Chapter 2 Using the SCXI-1127/1128
SCXI-1127/1128 User Manual 2-18
Figure 2-16. Temperature Measurement Wiring Diagram
The SCXI-1331 contains a cold-junction temperature sensor (CJS). This
sensor is a special channel on the SCXI-1127/1128 dedicated to measuring
the ambient temperature of the terminal block. This channel is always
scanned as a 2-wire channel. Including a CJS channel in the scan list is
optional. You can include a CJS channel at any position in the list with any
number of repetitions.
The SCXI-1331 temperature sensor outputs 0.20.024 V from 050 °C and
has an accuracy of ±0.5 °C over the 1535 °C range and ±0.9 °C over the
015 °C and 3550 °C ranges.1
National Instruments software can convert a thermistor voltage to the
thermistor temperature. In LabVIEW, you can use the Convert Thermistor
Reading virtual instrument (VI) in the Data Acquisition»
Signal Conditioning palette. If you are using Measurement Studio or
1 Includes the combined effects of the temperature sensor accuracy and the temperature difference between the temperature
sensor and any screw terminal. The temperature sensor accuracy includes tolerances in all component values, the effects
caused by temperature and loading, and self-heating.
Thermistor R2