© National Instruments Corporation I-5 SCXI-1127/1128 User Manual
description (table), D-6
handshaking scanning, 2-15 to 2-16
hardware timed scanning, 2-12
scanner operation. See multiplexer/scanner
SCXI chassis, installing SCXI-1127/1128
into. See installation.
SCXI-1127/1128. See also specifications.
accessories, B-1 to B-2
common questions, E-1 to E-3
customizing, C-1 to C-2
front connector, D-1 to D-6
overview, 1-1 to 1-2
SCXI-1331 terminal block
1-wire channel scanning
configuration, 2-5 to 2-6
2-wire channel scanning
configuration, 2-4
4-wire channel scanning
configuration, 2-6 to 2-9
multiplexer/scanner operation, 2-2 to 2-3
overview, B-1
signal connections (figure), 2-2
SCXI-1332 terminal block
4x8 matrix configuration, 2-21 to 2-24
matrix expansion, 2-24 to 2-28
overview, B-1
self-test. See configuration and self-test.
single-chassis system, installing. See
software installation, 1-2 to 1-3
software scanning, 2-11 to 2-12, 2-17
dynamic characteristics, A-2
environment, A-3
input characteristics, A-1
physical, A-3
safety, A-3
stability, A-2
transfer characteristics, A-1 to A-2
trigger characteristics, A-2
dynamic characteristics, A-5
environment, A-5
input characteristics, A-4
physical, A-5
safety, A-3toA-6
stability, A-5
transfer characteristics, A-4
trigger characteristics, A-5
stability specifications
SCXI-1127, A-2
SCXI-1128, A-5
synchronous scanning mode, 2-14 to 2-15
system integration, by National
Instruments, F-1
Ttechnical support resources, F-1 to F-2
temperature measurements, 2-17 to 2-20
RTD measurements, 2-19
thermistor measurements, 2-19 to 2-20
thermocouple measurements,
2-17 to 2-19
thermistor measurements, 2-19 to 2-20
thermocouple measurements, 2-17 to 2-19
formulas, 2-19
wiring diagram (figure), 2-18
transfer characteristics
SCXI-1127, A-1 to A-2
SCXI-1128, A-4
trigger characteristics
SCXI-1127, A-2
SCXI-1128, A-5
WWeb support from National Instruments, F-1
Worldwide technical support, F-2