Chapter 3 Developing Your Application
VXI-1394 User Manual for Windows 3-4 ni.com
Device InteractionYou can interact with your VXI/VME devices using the VISA Interactive
Control (VISAIC) utility. VISAIC allows you to control your VXI/VME
devices without using LabVIEW, Measurem ent Studio, or another
programming language. You can also control your devices in MAX by
right-clicking a device name and selecting Open VISA Session.
Note You can also use VXI Interactive Control Program (VIC) to control your VXI/VME
devices and develop and debug VXI application programs. VIC is not included in the
default NI-VXI installation. To install VIC, choose either a Complete install or select
NI-VXI API Development from the custom installation screen in the installer.
You can launch VISAIC (or VIC) from the Tools menu in MAX or from
the VISA or VXI subgroups in Start»Programs»National Instruments.
Try the following in VISAIC: In the tree view, navigate using your mouse
to the VISA resource for your controller—probably VXI0::0::INSTR,
representing the VXI system 0, logical address 0 instrument resource,
asshown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2. Select Your Controller in VISAIC