© National Instruments Corporation G-5 VXI-1394 User Manual for Windows
EMI Electromagnetic interference.
external trigger A voltage pulse from an external source that triggers an event.
Ffair requester A VXIbus device that will not arbitrate for the VXIbus after releasing
it until it detects the bus request signal inactive. This ensures that all
requesting devices will be granted use of the bus.
FireWire An Apple trademark for the technology that came to be defined as
IEEE1394. See IEEE 1394.
Gg(1) Grams.
(2) A measure of acceleration equal to 9.8 m/s2.
gRMS A measure of random vibration. The root mean square of acceleration
levels in a random vibration test profile.
Hhex Hexadecimal—the numbering system with base 16, using the digits 0 to 9
and letters A to F.
hot plug-in capability The ability, a feature in IEEE 1394, to add and remove devices to a
computer while the computer is running and have the operating system
automatically recognize the change.
Hz Hertz; cycles per second.
Ii.LINK A brand name initiated by Sony for digital consume r products using
IEEE1394. See IEEE 1394.
I/O Input/output—the techniques, media, and devices used to achieve
communication between machines and users.