Chapter 3 Developing Your Application
VXI-1394 User Manual for Windows 3-10
NI Spy and VISAIC are useful utilities for identifying the causes of
problems in your application.
NI Spy tracks the calls your application makes to National Instruments
programming interfaces, including NI-VISA, NI-VXI, and NI-488. NI Spy
highlights functions that return errors, so during development you can
quickly spot which functions failed during a program’s execution. NI Spy
can log the calls your program makes to these drivers so you can check
them for errors at your convenience, or use the NI Spy log as a reference
when discussing the problem with National Instruments technical support.
Figure3-4 shows an example of a normal error returned from a call to
viMemAlloc when no memory has been shared.
Figure 3-4. NI Spy