Chapter 2 Additive Error Reduction
© National Instruments Corporation 2-11 Xmath Model Reduction Module
Related Functions
balance(), truncate(), redschur(), mreduce()
truncate( )SysR = truncate(Sys,nsr,{VD,VA})
The truncate( ) function reduces a system Sys by retaining the first
nsr states and throwing away the rest to form a system SysR.
If for Sys one has,
the reduced order system (in both continuous-time and discrete-time cases)
is defined by A11, B1, C1, and D. If Sys is balanced, then SysR is an
approximation of Sys achieving a certain error bound. truncate( ) may
well be used after an initial application of balmoore( ) to further reduce
a system should a larger approximation error be tolerable. Alternatively, it
may be used after an initial application of balance( ) or redschur( ).
If Sys was calculated from redschur( ) and VA,VD were posed as
arguments, then SysR is calculated as in redschur( ) (refer to the
redschur() section).
truncate( ) should be contrasted with mreduce( ), which achieves a
reduction through a singular perturbation calculation. If Sys is balanced,
the same error bound formulas apply (though not necessarily the same
errors), truncate( ) always ensures exact matching at s= ∞ (in the
continuous-time case), or exacting matching of the first impulse response
coefficient D (in the discrete-time case), while mreduce( ) ensures
matching of DC gains for Sys and SysR in both the continuous-time and
discrete-time case. For a additional information about the truncate( )
function, refer to the Xmath Help.
Related Functions
balance(), balmoore(), redschur(), mreduce()
AA11 A12
A21 A22