Chapter 5 Utilities
Xmath Model Reduction Module 5-4 ni.com
After this last transformation, and with
it follows that
By combining the transformation yielding the real ordered Schur form for
A with the transformation defined using X, the overall transformation T is
readily identified. In case all eigenvalues of A are stable or all are unstable,
this is flagged, and T = I.
stable( ) can be combined with a reduction algorithm such as
redschur( ) or balmoore( ) to reduce the order of a system with some
unstable and some stable poles. One uses stable( ) to separate the stable
and unstable parts, and then, for example, reduces the stable part with
redschur( ); the reduced stable part is added to the original unstable part
to provide the desired system reduction.
Related Functions
sylvester(), schur(), redschur(), balmoore()
compare( )[respdiff] = compare(Sys,SysRed,FTvec,{Fmin,Fmax,npts,radians,type})
The compare( ) function provides a number of different graphical tests
which can be used to compare two state-space system implementations.
compare( ) can be used as a tool for evaluating a reduced-order system
by comparing it with the original full-order system from which it was
obtained. However, it can be used for more general comparisons as well,
such as examining the results of different discretization or identification
SysS ASASCSD;[, ]=
SysU AUBUCU0;[, ]=