7156 Setup and User’s Guide

Chapter 1: The 7156 Printer

Slip Station

￿Bi-directional, impact printing

￿Standard pitch (host selectable): 13.9 characters per inch, 66 columns

￿Compressed pitch (host selectable): 17.1 characters per inch, 80 columns

￿Printing of forms up to five plies

￿Front insertion of forms with forms stop

￿Side insertion of forms with override of forms stop

￿Automatic and manual insertion of forms

￿Form alignment sensors and Slip In LED indicator

￿Horizontal flat-bed slip table with optional extension (standard with MICR check reader)

￿Snap-on ribbon cassette

Both Stations

￿Variety of print modes: double high (receipt station only), double strike (slip station only), double wide, upside down, and rotated

￿Two resident character sets:

￿PC Code Page 437 (US)

￿PC Code Page 850 (Multilingual)

￿16K RAM for downloaded character sets or bit-mapped graphics (such as logos)

General Features

￿Cover open sensors

￿Industry standard RS-232C communication interface

￿History EEROM for custom settings

￿Power and communication support for a remote 2x20 pass-through display

￿Audible tone (controlled by application)

Note: The 7156 does not use a paper journal. The journal is kept electronically by the host computer.

September 1998


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NCR 7156 manual Slip Station, Both Stations, General Features