A tone burst may be provided and the RECORD key will light red to
indicate that recording is in progress. Display telephones will
indicate recording functions.
Dial the voice mailbox number to which the recording should be addressed.
Replace the handset to terminate the call. The recording will be sent
to the appropriate voice mailbox.
Note 1: The voice mailbox number may be dialled at any time during the conversation
before the recording party releases the call. If a voice mailbox number is not
entered, the recording will be sent to your voice mailbox.
Note 2: If Automatic Recording is assigned, the recording begins immediately upon
answering an outside call.
Note 3: If a voice mailbox number has not been entered, and if Automatic callback is
assigned, Xen Mail will call you back to ask you if you want to delete the call,
address it, add an introduction or send it.
Note 4: To send a Live Recording to multiple voice mailboxes, first send the recording
to your own voice mailbox and then redirect it accordingly.
Note 5: Some laws/regulations impose restrictions on persons making live telephone
recordings. Users should seek their own advice in this regard.
Live Record Options
The following Live Record function keys may be programmed:


Record To start manual record.
Pause To stop recording. Press PAUSE again to resume recording.
Re-Record To erase the live recording and automatically begin
re-recording. Enter a new voice mailbox number.
Erase To erase the live recording without interrupting your
conversation. Press RECORD and dial a voice mailbox
number to begin recording again.
End To terminate the recording and continue the
Address To delete, address or record an introduction prior to
ending a live recording session.
Urgent Page Toggles message delivery on/off. After entering a
voice mailbox number, a * in the display will indicate
that the page message delivery option is currently on.
Note: Consult your system manager for additional information about using live
record options.
NEC Xen VoiceMail 18/7/2003 4:27 PM Page 17