Motor Control I/O Board User’s Manual

Figure 12. PM Plus Workspace

4.Click File and select Open Workspace.

5.Browse to C:\NECTools32\ \Motor_Control\BLDC_Hall_714 and select BLDC_LV.prw PM Plus workspace file.

6.The newly loaded workspace file will contain one project called LV_BLDC_Hall-714.prj as shown below.

Figure 13. PM Plus Window

7.To recompile the code, click Build and select Rebuild.

8.At this point, you may change the code and recompile as needed.

9.After building the code successfully, you may download and run or debug the code using an on- chip debugging emulator.

9.Download and Debug the Code

1.To debug the code, select Debug from Build menu or click the Debug button on the tool bar. By default the code automatically will be downloaded to the microcontroller’s flash memory