
Update Device Driver Wizard

Windows found the following updated driver for this device:

NETGEAR FA310TX Fast Ethernet PCI Adapter

If you want to use this driver, click Finish. If this is not the correct driver and you want to search for a different driver manually, click Other Locations.

Location of Driver

O ther Locations ...

< Back



Click on “Finish.”


Copying Files...

The file NDIS2DOS\NGRPCI.dos on Windows 95 CD-ROM could not be found.

Insert Windows 95 CD-ROM into the drive selected below, and click OK.

Copy files from:



C a n c e l

S kip File

D etails ...

Type A:\ in the “Copy files from” entry field and click on “OK.”


Remove the Drivers and Diagnostics Disk from the floppy drive, remove the Windows 95 CD-ROM from the CD drive (if you have inserted it), and then click on “Yes.”

Restarting your system is necessary to enable your PC to finish setting up your new hardware.

7. Proceed to “Verify Installation.”

Model FA310TX Network Card Installation Guide

Page 8
Image 8
NETGEAR FA310TX manual Click on Finish