Index 1
analog voice module, 1-2
ARP table, B-4
AT&T 5ESS, C-3
autocall operation, 3-13
B channel
configuring with basic setup, 3-9
second, 3-9
bandwidth, increasing, 3-14
Basic Rate Interface (BRI) implementation, 1-3
basic rate ISDN, C-1
BOOTMODE command, D-3
built-in interface
Basic Setup, 3-7
Quick Setup, 3-2
cable connections, 2-7
Caller Line Identification, 3-14
integrated services digital network, 1-8
security, 1-8
using in connecting routers, 3-10
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol.
See CHAP, 1-8
changing password, 3-8
CHAP, 1-8
authentication, 3-11
security, 1-8
using with PPP, 3-11
CLAMPROG command, D-3
Class B address, B-3
clearing codes, 5-2
clearing codes, internal, 5-3
CLI. See Caller Line Identification, 3-14
Configuration Menu, 3-8
IP routes list, 4-13
PPP custom parameters, 4-14
Configure Paths Menu, 3-8
Configure Ports Menu, 3-9
B channel, 3-9
ISDN line, 3-9
methods, 3-1
with basic setup, 3-7
with quick setup, 3-4
across local area network, 2-12
HyperTerminal and Windows ’95, 2-13
Microsoft Terminal, 2-13
PC, 2-13
router using PPP, 3-11
serial port, 2-12
TCP/IP Telnet, 2-12
VT100 emulation, 2-13
Windows 3.1, 2-13
conventions, xvi
convergence, 1-5
crossover cable, 2-11
IndexNGRRT210.BK Page 1 Friday, October 17, 1997 2:37 PM