Reference Guide for the Model RT210/RT211 ISDN Routers
3-10 Configuring the Router
Connecting to Another NETGEAR or Bay Networks Nautica Router
The Nautica™ Series routers include the Xylogics CLAM™ and MARLIN™ routers. Use the
following procedure if you are connecting your unit to another NETGEAR or Nautica Series
router. Otherwise, skip to Connecting to a Router Using Point-to-Point Protocol” on page 3-11.
To configure an ISDN path between two NETGEAR routers or between a NETGEAR and a
Nautica Series router, set up a call between the two units.
To set up a call between the two units, follow these steps:
1. Enter STAT ISDN to display the ISDN Port Status menu.
2. Type CALL and the ISDN phone number.
CALL must be followed by a space and the ISDN phone number of the other router. If the
connection is on a 56 KBps line, prefix the number with “#”symbol. An ISDN call is now set
up to the remote router, a path with the relevant ISDN number is created, and routing
information is exchanged. Any routes created are marked as routes learned by ISDN and are
treated as such.
3. Press [Enter] to set up the ISDN call that connects the remote router.
4. Leave the call running for three minutes to learn the addresses.
5. Enter CLEAR to cancel the call.
6. Enter SAVE to save the learned path to memory.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each remote router you wish to connect.
Your router is now configured and the ISDN connection to these networks is made and broken
automatically on demand.
If the ISDN provider enables the Caller Line Identification (CLI or Caller ID) at the answering
end, the answering router learns the ISDN number of the calling router when the call is made and
automatically adds it to the path it creates. If CLI is not available, the ISDN number must be
entered in the path manually.
NGRRT210.BK Page 10 Friday, October 17, 1997 2:37 PM