Reference Guide for the Model RT210/RT211 ISDN Routers
Index 5
subnet addressing, B-3
support,customer. See customer support
switch types, C-3
configuration requirements, 2-4
routing, B-1
support, 1-3
using, 1-7
Telnet connection, 2-13
connecting to built-in interface, 2-13
setting IP address, 2-13
time-out, routing protocol, 1-6
Trace Window, 5-1
Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. See
TW command, 5-1
UU interface, 2-8
unnumbered links, B-5
Update System Parameters Form, 4-5
Update System Parameters screen, 3-8
upgrading software, D-1
Vvoice port, testing, 5-8
WWAN link, B-6
workstation, setting for Telnet connection, 2-13
NGRRT210.BK Page 5 Friday, October 17, 1997 2:37 PM