ISDN Switch Type screen. If you have an ISDN router, the ISDN Switch
Type screen appears.
Select one of the supported ISDN switch types for your ISDN line. Your telephone company should have provided this information when your ISDN line was installed.
When you have done this, click Next.
Note: The switch types listed are different for different regions. If your region has only one switch type, this screen may not appear. In that case, skip to the Manual or Automated Connection Profile screen below.
You may see an additional screen associated with ISDN and POTS, depending on your configuration.
■You will see the Manual or Automated Connection Profile screen shown below.
Manual or Automated Connection Profile screen. The SmartStart Wizard asks you to select a method of creating a connection profile. The connection profile tells your router how to communicate with your ISP or other remote site, such as your corporate office. You can select either ISP Automation or Manual Entry.
Options are explained below.
Make your selection and click Next.
If you select ISP Automation, SmartStart offers you the option of choosing one of several Netopia ISP partners that support the Netopia Router. You then see the Internet Service Provider Selection screen shown on page 7.
If you select Manual Entry, you must be prepared with the following information. You must enter:
■Your Login name and Password. (These are
■Any PBX phone system dialing prefix (such as “9” for an outside line)
■Your PPP authentication method. Options are: PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), or None. Most ISPs use PAP; this is the default.
■A Domain Name Server (DNS); this entry must be an IP address in dotted decimal format. (for example,, not “joe.isp.com”)
■Optionally, an alternate DNS if your ISP provided one
If you select Manual Entry, the Connection Profile screen shown on page 8 appears.
Internet Service Provider Selection screen. Select an ISP from the list of Netopia ISP partners who have provided information for automatic setup. Choose Generic ISP if your ISP is not included on the list. If you don’t already have an account with the selected ISP, call and order service using the listed customer service telephone number, if provided.
When you have done this, click Next.
■Most ISPs will provide you with information for you to enter in the Connection Profile screen (shown below). Generally, they will provide you with:
■Your Login name and Password. (These are
Note: Your ISP may provide you with additional values such as “Remote IP Gateway” or “Subnet Mask.” These entries are not required for the SmartStart Wizard to configure your router.
If you have a PBX phone system, you may need a dialing prefix (such as “9” for an outside line). You will enter that information in the Connection Profile screen shown below.