EN 1111 EN
trol Software, the LEDs c an be set to four diff erent
brightness levels or switched off .
When connecting the cables, ensure that the con-
nectors are locked correc tly.
Long cables and multiple connectors lead to a
drop in the supply voltage and to a deter ioration
in jitter behavior, particularly in the case of high
sampling rates. Therefore, to the greatest extent
possible, use continuous c able between the mi-
crophone and subsequent equipment, and for
longer distances use AES /EBU cable exclusively
(with an impedance of 110 ohms).
Ensure that the microphone and al l equipment in
the digital signal chain are sy nchronized. If the
Neumann Digital Micropho ne Interface is used,
the connected microphone s should always be op-
erated in synchronous mod e (Mode 2), whether or
not sample rate converters ar e used in the subse-
quent signal chain. This w ill ensure very e ff ective
jitter suppression in the DMI. Also, the output of
two microphone signals as on e AES 3 stereo sig-
nal is possible only if the microp hones are syn-
chronized with one another.

Parameters which can be remote c ontrolled

via the AES 42 interface

Polar pattern: Switching the p olar pattern is
achieved by varing the polarization voltage of the
rear capsule half. During the re loading process
the microphone is temporarily muted.
Low Cut: Acccording to AES 42 there are four set-
ting for the low cut: off , 40 Hz, 80 Hz and 160 Hz.
Pre-attenuation: Pre-attenuation is achieved by
reducing the capsule voltage. If pre-attenuation is
activated, the dynamic ran ge is shifted by the co r-
responding value to higher soun d pressure level s.
During the reloading proce ss the microphone is
temporarily muted.
Gain: Gain is carried out exclus ively in the digital
domain, thus avoiding the additional noise and
possible eff ects on the sound which can oc cur in
analog processing. The switching process is click-
Peak limiter: The very fast peak limiter ha s an ad-
justable threshold, and prevents overloading or
clipping of the audio signal in the sig nal path.
Compressor/Limiter: As well, a co mpressor/lim-
iter with completely adjustable parameters is
provided. It can function ov er a broad frequency
range, or as a high-frequency compressor/limiter
(de-esser) in one of three selectable frequency
ranges. All important par ameters are adjus table.
In addition, the sampling rate , the synchroniza-
tion mode, test signals, t he polarity a nd muting of
the output signal and the LEDs can be controlled
The software in the microphone can be updated
via the Neumann DMI-2. Therefor e software up-
dates are also available to existing customers.
Please refer to the RCS manual for d etails con-
cerning the updates.

5. Shutdown and Storage

When disconnecting a cable, always pull only on
the connector and not on the cab le itself.
Microphones which are unuse d for prolonged
periods should be stored under normal ambient
atmospheric conditions, and should be protected
from dust. For this purpose, use a l int-free, air-
permeable dust cover or the ori ginal packagi ng of
the microphone.

6. Technical data

Permissible atmospheric c onditions1)
Operating temperature ran ge ..........0 °C to +40 °C
Storage temperature range ...........–20 °C to +70 °C
Humidity range .....................0 % to 99 % at +20 °C
0 % … 95 % at +60 °C
Acoustical op. princip le ............Double diaphragm
pressure gradient transducer
pattern ..........................O mni...cardioid...fi gur e -8,
15 patterns in total
Frequency range ............................20 Hz to 20 k Hz
Sensitivity2) .............................................–44 dBFS
Equivalent noise level,
CCIR4) ...............................................................19 dB
Equivalent noise level,
A-weighted4) ..................................................8 dB-A
Signal-to-noise rati o3),
CCIR4) ...............................................................75 dB
Signal-to-noise rati o3),
A-weighted4) ...................................................86 dB
Maximum SPL
at 0 dBFS3) ............................................. 138 dBSPL
Dynamic range
including capsule4) .......................................130 dB
A/D conversion ...........................Neumann proces s
(patented), 28-bit
internal word length
Digital signal processin g .....Fix ed-point, var iable
internal word length
28 bits to 60 bits
Sampling rates .................................44,1/48/88, 2/
96/176,4/192 kHz
Output data format ............................24 bits as per
At 0 dB pre-attenuation a nd 0 dB gain.
1) All v alues are for n on-cond ensing humid ity.
2) at 1 kHz, 0 dB gain, a nd 94 db SPL
3) re 94 dB SPL
4) according to IEC 60268-1 ;
CCIR-weighting acccording to CCIR 468-3, quasi peak;
A-weighting accordin g to IEC 61672-1, R MS

Remote controlled functions

Pre-attenuation .......................... 0/–6/–12/–18 dB
High-pass fi lter ..........................Off /40/80/160 Hz
Digital gain .................................................0...63 dB
in steps of 1 dB, clickless
Test signals ..........................Off , 1 kHz (–48 dBFS),
pink noise (–35 dBFS),
white noise (–43 dBFS)
Compressor/Limiter ......................................On/Off
Lower cut-off frequency
of the working range ..........Fl at/1 kHz/2 kHz/4 kHz
Max. gain reduction:
Flat mode ......................................................> 63 dB
1 kHz/2 kHz/4 kHz ........................................> 20 dB
Compression ratio ..........................1.2:1/1. 5:1/2:1/
Threshold .........................–63 dBFS..–10...0 dBFS,
in steps of 1 dB
Attack time ..............0/0.1/0.3/1/3/10/ 30/100 ms
Release time ..................0.05/0. 1/0.2/0.5/1 /2/5 s
(for a level change of approx. 10 dB )
Peak limiter ....................................................On/Off
Attack time .................................–160 µs (negative)
Release time .................. approx. 50 ms to 150 ms
(signal-depend ent)
Threshold ......................................Off : 0 dBFS fi xed
On: –15 dBFS to 0 dBFS,
in steps of 1 dB
Mute ................................................................On/Off
Phase (polarity) .........................................0 °, 180°
Signal light ......................LED 1 (red), LED 2 (blu e),
brightness adjustable
Sampling rates ..44.1/48/88. 2/96/176,4/ 192 kHz
44.1/48 kHz ...........................................52 samples
88.2/96 kHz ...........................................61 samples
176,4/192 kHz ......................................121 samples
Asynchronous operat ion (free-runni ng),
frequency stability ................................... ± 25 ppm
Synchronous operation,
pulling range ..................................min. ± 100 ppm
Power supply
(phantom power complying wi th AES 42)
Supply voltage range ......................+6 V to +10.5 V
Current consumption .........................max . 220 mA
Connector .....................................................XLR 3 M
Dimensions ...................................Ø 63.5 x 185 mm
Weight .............................................................700 g