Hyper-Threading Technology
Enabled For windows XP and Linux 2.4.x (OS optimized for
Hyper Threading Technology)
Disabled For other OS (OS not optimized for Hyper
Threading Technology)
Quick Power On Self Test
Allows the system to skip certain tests while booting. This will
decrease the time needed to boot the system.
Enabled Enable quick POST
Disabled Normal POST
First/Second/Third/Other Boot Device
The BIOS attempts to load the operating system from the devices in the
sequence selected in these items.
The Choice: Floppy, LS120, ZIP100, HDD, CDROM, LAN, Disabled,
Swap Floppy Drive
If the system has two floppy drives, choose enable to assign physical
drive B to logical drive A and vice-versa.
The choice: Enabled/Disabled.
Boot Up Floppy Seek
Enabled tests floppy drives to determine whether they have 40 or 80
The choice: Enabled/Disabled.
Boot Up NumLock Status
Select power on state for NumLock.
The choice: On/Off.
TR-5001 User Manual