15. auto power settings
Auto Power Off
To save battery power, the unit can be set to shut off by itself (if no buttons are pushed) according to a number of presets:
1)Press the Mode button, and scroll (using the PREV or NEXT button) to the SETTINGS menu. press the mode button again to enter the SETTINGS submenu. Press the PREV or NEXT buttons to select Power Off mode and Press the Mode button to enter.
2)Press the PREV or NEXT buttons to select the desired timer mode and press the Mode button to confirm the setting for automatically powering off the unit.
Timer options: Disable, 1min, 6min, 5min, 10min.
16. bitrate settings
Recording Bitrates
The bitrate (how much data is stored per second) can be changed to save memory space (low bitrate) or for the best sound quality (high bitrate)
1) In SETTINGS mode, press the PREV or NEXT button to select REC BITRATE mode and press the Mode button to enter the submenu
2) Press the PREV or NEXT buttons to select the desired bitrate. Press the Mode button to confirm the Bitrate.
Bitrate options: 8000Hz, 16000Hz, 32000Hz, and 48000Hz.