Matching Settings to Your Goal
●Copying Pictures Between Memory Cards
When two memory cards are inserted, you can use the options in the playback Copy image(s) menu to copy pic- tures between the two cards (images will not be copied if there is not enough space on the destination card or if Enable is selected for Network > Network connection in the setup menu).
•Select source: Choose the source card.
•Select image(s): Select the pictures to be copied.
•Select destination folder: Choose the destination folder on the remaining memory card.
•Copy image(s): Copy the selected pictures to the specified destination.
●Copying Settings to Other D4 Cameras The Save/load settings option in the setup menu can be used to share set- tings among D4 cameras. Select Save settings to save settings to a memory card (an error will be displayed if the
card is full), Load settings to load saved settings from a memory card. Note that Save/load settings is only avail- able when a memory card is inserted in the camera, and that Load settings is only available if the card contains saved settings.