Restrictions on Editing Images

You can edit images by trimming them (cropping), adjusting the brightness (D-Lighting), or creating a smaller copy (Small picture). The following restrictions apply when editing an image that has already been edited.

First Edit


Second Edit




Small Picture



× *















Small Picture








* When attempting to apply a second edit, the message “IMAGE CANNOT BE SAVED” appears.

Pictures with Image size set to j 3264×2176 or shot with Continuous set to Ultra HS or Intvl timer shooting cannot be edited.

Notes on Editing Images:

Editing images from another model of camera is not supported.

Images edited with this camera may not properly play back on another model of camera or transfer to a computer.

Edited images are separate images from the original. Deleting one does not delete the other.

If there is not enough space in the destination memory, the edited image cannot be saved.

The recording date for the image data is the same as that of the original image.

Notes Technical