Exposure Compensation

Exposure compensation is used to alter the exposure from the value suggested by the camera. Exposure compensation can be set to values between –2.0 EV* (underexposure) and +2.0 EV (overexposure) in increments of 1/3 EV.

Playback and Photography Basic




Display exposure compensation setting screen.

The histogram (which shows the range of brightness) and exposure compensation value are displayed.

* Exposure value



Select value.

You can frame your subject, focus, and shoot.

Press d to exit.

Selecting an Exposure Compensation Value

The camera tends to shorten exposures when the large areas of the frame are very bright (for example, when photographing an expanse of sunlit water, sand, or snow) or the background is much brighter than the main subject.

Select positive values if the main subject looks too dark.

The camera tends to give more exposure when the large areas of the frame are very dark (for example, when photographing a forest of dark green leaves) or when the background is much darker than the main subject.

Select negative values if the main subject looks too bright, or “washed out”.


A histogram shows the distribution of brightness in an image; the horizontal axis shows pixel brightness, with dark tones to the left and bright tones to the right, while the vertical axis shows the number of pixels in the image at each tonal value. The more pixels appear on the left, the darker the image. The more pixels appear on the right, the brighter the image.