❚❚Date Counter

Pictures taken while this option is in effect are imprinted with the number of days remaining until a future date or the number days elapsed since a past date. Use it to track the growth of a child or count down the days until a birthday or wedding.

02 / 20 . 04 . 2009

02 / 24 . 04 . 2009

Future date (two days remaining)

Past date (two days elapsed)

Up to three separate dates can be stored in slots 1, 2, and 3. The first time you use the date counter, you will be prompted to select a date for slot 1; enter a date using the multi selector and press J. To change the date or store additional dates, highlight a slot, press 2, and enter the date. To use the stored date, highlight the slot and press J.

To choose a date counter format, highlight Display options and press 2to display the menu shown at right. Highlight an option and press J. Highlight Done in the date counter menu and press J when settings are complete.

d7: Live View Display Options

Gbutton ACustom Settings menu

Choose the indicators available for display in live view mode (0 45). Press 1 or 3 to highlight an option, then press 2 to select. A Mappears next to selected items; to deselect, highlight and press 2. To return to the Custom Settings menu, highlight Done and press J(note that at least one option must be on).