Auto Information Display

Gbutton Bsetup menu

This option can be set separately for auto and scene modes and for P, S, A, and M modes. If On is selected, the information display will appear after the shutter-release button is pressed halfway; if image review (0 147) is off, it will also be displayed immediately after shooting. Choose On if you find yourself frequently referring to the information display during shooting. If Off is selected, the information display can only be viewed by pressing the R button.

Info Wrap-around

Gbutton Bsetup menu

If On is selected, the cursor will “wrap around” from one edge of the information display to the other.

Video Mode

Gbutton Bsetup menu

When connecting the camera to a television or VCR via the A/V out connector, be sure the camera video mode matches the device video standard (NTSC or PAL).


Gbutton Bsetup menu

The camera is equipped with an HDMI (High-Definition

Multimedia Interface) connector, allowing pictures to be played back on high-definition televisions or monitors using a type C cable (available separately from commercial suppliers). Before connecting the camera to high-definition device, choose an HDMI format. If Auto is selected, the camera will automatically select the appropriate format.
