In scenes with both very bright and very dark areas, these two | Scene containing the sun | |
metering systems produce varying results. For example: |
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A. Scene containing the sun or scenes with high reflectivity |
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If a scene containing strong highlights, such as the sun, snow or |
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bright reflections, |
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subject as a silhouette. With Matrix Metering, however, the light |
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value of darker parts is evaluated, resulting in an overall well- |
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balanced exposure. |
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B. Outdoor backlit subject |
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With |
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people against a bright sky and/or clouds may lead to an |
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underexposed subject. With Matrix Metering, however, the |
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camera automatially gives more exposure to darker subjects to | Matrix Metering | |
ensure a balanced overall exposure. | ||
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C. |
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If a brightly lit |
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background, |
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emphasis on the dark center of the picture. So although the |
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background is correctly exposed, the main subject will be over- |
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exposed. Matrix Metering, however, automatical ly integrates a |
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dark background with a bright subject to ensure the best overall |
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exposure. |