Interchangeable Focusing Screens
Three different types of focusing screens are usable with lhe Nikon FA. The Type K2 screen comes with the camera as a standard accessory. Two optional focusing screens, Type B2 (matte/Fresnei with focusing spot) and Type E2 (matte/Fresnel with focusing spot and etched grid lines) are also available for the FA to match your particular requirements.
To change focusing screens, follow this procedure:
1.Remove the lens from the camera body.
2.Slip the small tip of the special tweezers (that come with the optional screens) under the focusing screen release latch 4 at the top front of the mirror box casting and put outward to spring open the holder.
3.Take the screen out by grasping the small tab with the tweezers.
4.Carefully position another screen in place with the flat side facing down and the side with the tab facing up.
5.Then push the front edge of the holder upward with the tweezers until it clicks into position.
•To avoid getting smudges or fingerpants on the screen's optical/ surface. do not handle the screen with your fingers.