For MD-ll, | For F3-series, F-30I1N2000 |
MD- I2, MD- I4, | (withAH-3J. FG, FG-20, EM, F2, |
MD-I5 | MD-2, MD-3, MD-E, MB-I, MB-2 |
•To fit the SK-4 securely onto the Nikon F-301lN2000 camera, use the Nikon Tripod Adaptor AH-3 _
Bracket SK-4 @
The Speedlight SB-ll 's bracket can be attached to various camera and/or motor drive combinations_ To change the attachment screw from one slot to another, slide it to the threaded end of the slot and unscrew it; then screw it back into the threaded end of the other sloL Once screw- ed in, the attachment screw can be moved freely to any position along the sloL The diagram indicates the recom- mended position of the attachment screw for all Nikon SLR cameras and motor drives_
Note : Th e b racke t contoins a tripod socket @ for direct attachment of the camera and speed/igh t to a tripod ,
Bracket Mounting Adapter ®
The release/locking wheel on the bracket mounting adapter allows the speedlight to be removed from the bracket for off-camera flash operation, To detach the speedlight, loosen the releasellocking wheel completely by turning it to the end of its travel, push the locking wheel to the left to release the catch, tip the camera back- ward until the two white 'dots are aligned and pull the camera away from the speedlighL
Note : The speedlight's handle contains a tripod/light stand socket @ for mounting of the speed/ight on a tripod or /ight stand for more convenient off-camera operation,