S T E R E O A M P L I F I E R / A U T O M A T E D S W I T C H E R
Integrating a Niles IR repeater system with a TV plugged into the current sensed outlet of a TVA50, and a 12VDC controlled lift mechanism, provides an inexpensive, yet elegant solution to system automation. (Figure 5) When the system is in whole-house mode, music from the main system plays through the in-wall speakers in a room. The TV is hidden away in the lift cabinet. With a Niles MS100 Microsensor™ inconspicuously mounted in the lift cabinet, and properly configured for control of the TV hidden inside, the TV power ON command from an IR remote control, will turn the TV on. The TVA50 current sensing outlet will detect the change in current draw, switch the local room speakers to TV and send a 12VDC Trigger OUT to the lift and automatically raise the TV out of the cabinet...all from just the ON command for the TV! Turn the TV OFF, the TVA50 current sensed outlet detects the change, switches the speakers back to the whole-house system and cuts the 12VDC Trigger OUT causing the lift to lower the TV back into the cabinet.