S T E R E O A M P L I F I E R / A U T O M A T E D S W I T C H E R
NOTE: The speaker level, when switched from the whole-house system to the TV will not always be the same. If the whole-house system was set to CD with the volume turned up and the TV gets turned on to it’s normal listening level, the speaker level might drop when the system switches to TV. This is normal performance and the user can adjust whole-house speaker level and TV speaker level as needed depending upon the source selected and the users preference.
Using In-Wall Volume Controls
In a whole-house audio distribution system, an in-wall volume control, such as the Niles VCS100R or MVC100R, can be used to adjust the speaker level in a given room. There are two options for using volume controls with the TVA50. Both of these examples assume use of a multi-channel audio distribu- tion amplifier such as the Niles SI-1260.
Example1: In-Wall Volume Control With a Variable Output Device
When switching to a variable output device such as a TV with the TVA50, the volume control for the whole-house system should be installed between the whole-house amplifier and the TVA50. In whole-house mode, the TVA50 will pass the speaker level output of the whole-house system straight through to the speakers. A volume control, installed between the whole-house system and the TVA50, provides speaker level control of the whole-house sources. (CD, Tuner, etc). When switched to TV, speaker level can be controlled using the TV remote control volume commands or the volume Up/Down controls on the front of the TV.