Service & Guarantee
If you require a service or advice on using or maintaining your machine please contact your Nilfisk approved distributor.
Nilfisk guarantees that if within 12 months from the date of purchase this appliance, or any parts thereof, is proved to be defective by reason of faulty workmanship or materials, we will at our option repair or replace the same free of charge for labour and materials, provided that:
•The appliance has been installed and used in accordance with our operating and servicing instructions.
•If the appliance has been serviced, maintained, repaired, modified taken apart or tampered with by any person not authorised by us, then we will not be liable under this guarantee for any fault arising from their defective workmanship.
•We shall not be liable under this guarantee for any fault in the appliance arising from the use of spare parts not supplied and recommended by us.
•Excluded from this guarantee are parts that need replacement due to normal wear and tear such as hoses, nozzles and accessories.