Born 25 February,
1926. Professor
Tago performs
research in the
field of psychology
and has written
many bestselling
puzzle books in his
spare time. He is
best known for his
series of books entitled Atama no
Taisou (“Head Gymnastics”,
published only in Japan), which has
sold over twelve million copies.
The puzzles and questions compiled
in this game were created based on
puzzles provided or supervised by
Professor Tago and Tago-Akira
Professor Tago's reputation for
creating brain-teasers and riddles for
even the most seasoned puzzle
solvers was further increased
following his contribution to
SPECTRE'S CALL™. Try your hand at
his exquisite puzzles, intricately
interwoven with the story.
Akira Tago
Professor Emeritus
Chiba University, Japan