Milky Way Wishes
Inordertostoptheseriousfightingbetweenthesunandthemoon,youwillneed tovisitmanyplanetsandsummonacomet.Thisgamehasslightlydifferentrules concerning Copy Abilities, so pay close attention.
World Map
Move Kirby with , and press
when hovering over a planet to enter that stage. You can start on any stage in this game.
How to Play Sub-Games
Once you have chosen a
About Copy Abilities
In Milky Way Wishes, you generally can’t get abilities from enemies by swallowing them. In order to get a Copy Ability, you will have to find and touch a Copy Essence Deluxe. Once you have found a Copy Essence Deluxe, you can choose it at any time by tapping it on the lower screen.
Copy Essence Deluxe
*You can confirm your list of obtained Copy Essences
Deluxe on the pause screen. | p. 20 |
Usable Copy Abilities
ScrollthroughtheCopy Abilitiesbytapping
.Tap one of the icons in the center to choose a Copy Ability.
Kirby Card Swipe Be the first to tap the card on the bottom screen that matches the card appearing on the top screen. The first to three wins.
Kirby on the Draw | Snack Tracks |
Tap the targets to | Eat as much |
shoot them, (you | of the food |
lose points for | coming down |
shooting bombs). | the conveyor |
Tap the bar at the | belt as you can. |
bottom of the | Tap bombs, |
screen to reload | caterpillars, and |
when you’re out | rocks to get them |
of ammo. | out of the way. |