I n d e x
alarm clock 67 antenna 15 anykey answer 56 automate voicemail 47 automatic redial 56
back cover removing 16 replacing 17
banner 59 battery
authentication 82 charging 17 charging times 84 removing 16 replacing 16
talk and standby times 84 battery information 81 business cards 35
calculator 72 calendar 68
call settings 55 caller groups 32 setting up 32 calling cards 56
calls answering 21
care and maintenance 85 certification information (SAR) 90 charger
connecting 17 times 84
check balance 36 contact information 27 contact name 28 contacts 26 contacts list
add 26 additions 28 delete 28 edit 33 search 26 settings 28
countdown timer 74 currency converter 73 customer care 9