M e s s a g i n g
Speed dial voicemail with dialing codes
1.At the main screen, select Contacts > Speed dials.
2.Scroll to an empty speed dial slot, and select Assign.
3.Enter your voicemail box number, including the area code.
4.Refer to "Dialing codes" and enter codes as necessary using the information that you saved from "Voicemail box number and process," page 47.
For example, if you pause for 5 seconds after connecting to voicemail, enter the dialing code p twice after the voicemail box number (for example, 2145551212pp).
5.Enter any remaining numbers, dialing codes, or other information that allows you to listen to your messages and select OK.
6.Enter a name for the number (such as voicemail), and select OK.
To dial and listen to your voicemail, press and hold the assigned speed dial key at the main screen.