M e s s a g i n g
Clear text—Erase all text from the message editor.
Exit editor—Enables you to save the message to your sent items folder or discard the message as you leave the message editor.
Insert contact—Insert a name from your contacts list into your message.
Insert number—Insert a phone number or find a phone number in the contacts list.
Use template—Insert a predefined template into your message.
Insert smiley—Insert the smiley face of your choice into your message.
Insert word or Edit word—Enter or edit the text of a new word that might not appear in the predictive text dictionary. This displays only when Predictive text is set to On.
Insert symbol—Insert a special character into your message. This displays only when Predictive text is set to On.
Predictive text—Choose a predictive text language to turn predictive text on, or select Prediction off to turn it off.
Matches—View matching words found in the dictionary for the word you want to use. This displays only when Predictive text is set to On and when the same set of key strokes can produce multiple words.
Create a distribution list
1.At the main screen, select Menu > Messaging > Text messages > Distribution lists > Options > Add list.
2.Enter a name for the list, and select OK.
3.To add contacts to this list, select Options > Add contact.
4.Add the contacts one by one to this list.
Send a message to a distribution list
1.At the main screen, select Menu > Messaging > Text messages > Create message.