E x t r a s
9. Extras
The device is provided with a calculator that can also be used for approximate currency conversions.
Select Menu > Extras > Calculator.
Note: This calculator has limited accuracy and is designed for simple calculations.
Make a calculation
1.Enter the first number in the calculation.
Press a number key
Scroll up or down to select between +,
2.Enter the second number in your calculation, and select Equals.
Select Clear to clear the display for a new calculation.
You can convert values between different units of measure.
Note: This converter has limited accuracy and is designed for simple calculations.
To perform a conversion, in standby mode, select Menu > Extras > Converter > Temperature, Weight, Length, Area, Volume, Currency, or My conversions and the unit for conversion. Enter a value to convert. To reverse the conversion, scroll up or down.
Select Menu > Extras > Converter > Last 5 conversions to display the last five conversions performed.
To enter your own conversion, select Menu > Extras > Converter > My conversions. Select an empty conversion combination and follow the prompts to enter the units and factor value.
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