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•Add contact to add a name to the distribution list.
•Remove contact to delete the selected name from the distribution list.
To send a message to the recipients in a distribution list, after writing the
message, press Options and select Sending opts and Send to list. While sending
the message to the recipients, the phone displays the progress with the number of
messages left to send.
If one or more sending operations fail during the process, a report listing the
number of failures, successes and names that were not found (those names which
no longer exist in your phone book) will be displayed. Press Select and select
•Resend to re-send the message to the recipients to whom the message was not
sent successfully.
•View to view the list of recipients to whom the message was not sent
TemplatesYou can view or edit the preset messages (’templates’) that can be used for writing
a message. You can edit an existing template to create a new template.
SmileysYou can edit and store the smileys such as ":-)", and use them in compiling