Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. 44
Auto update of date & time to update the clock in your phone in accordance
with the current time zone (network service). Note that the functions related
to time (for example alarm clock) will be affected if you use this service.
Call settings
Press Menu, and select Settings, Call settings and
Call duration to turn the display of call time on or off while calling.
Call summary to turn the report of call time on or off after calling.
Call divert to divert your incoming calls to your voice mailbox or some other
phone number (network service).
1. Press Select. For example, select Divert if busy to divert the calls when you
are on a call or when you reject a call.
Several divert options may be active at the same time. When Divert all voice
calls is activated, is shown on the display in standby mode.
2. Set the selected option on (Activate) or off (Cancel), check whether the
option is activated by selecting Check status, or specify a delay for certain
diverts in Set delay (not available for all divert options).
Note that if you have set the Call barring service of incoming calls to on, you
cannot divert incoming calls. See Security settings on page 47.
Automatic redial to set your phone to make up to ten attempts to connect the
call after an unsuccessful call attempt.
Speed dialling to turn speed dialling on or off, see Speed dialling on page 19.