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Press Options, and select Reset to reset the stopwatch value so that it will count
the time from 0 next time it is activated. Otherwise it will start the observation
from the previous time. Select Exit to quit from Stopwatch to standby mode.
Note that running the stopwatch consumes the battery, so be careful not to let it
run unintentionally in the background.
Countdown timerWith this feature, you can set a one-off alarm. Key in the alarm time and press OK.
Then you can choose to set a note for this alarm, or ignore it by pressing OK
without inputting any note. After these settings are done, you can enter the
Countdown timer menu again to change the lapsed time by selecting Change time
and then reinputting the alarm time, or to stop the timer by selecting Stop timer.
When the timer is running, is shown in standby mode.
When the alarm time is reached, the phone sounds a tone and flashes the
corresponding note. Press any key except the NaviTM key to stop the alarm. Note
that this alarm will not be activated if the phone is turned off.
ComposerYou can create your own ringing tones with this menu
function. Select the tone that you want to edit and key in the
notes. For example, press for note f. The notes are
mapped to keys as illustrated in the figure here.