Menu functions
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Note: This calculator has limited accuracy and rounding errors may occur,
especially in long divisions.

Making a calculation

Use to to insert a digit, to insert a decimal point. Press
to delete the last digit. To change the sign, press Options and select Change
Press and to select the operator you want from the operator bar on
the right of the screen.
Or, press once for "+", twice for "-", three times for "*" and four times for
To get the result, press Options and select Equals. Press and hold to clear
the display for a new calculation.

Making a currency conversion

1. Set the exchange rate: Press Options, select Exchange rate, choose Foreign
unit expressed in domestic units or Domestic unit expressed in foreign units, key
in the value (press for a decimal point), and press OK.
2. To make the conversion: Key in the currency amount to be converted, press
Options, and select In domestic or In foreign.
You can measure and record times, for example, in different sports. To access this
menu, press Menu in standby mode, and select Extras and Stopwatch.
Press Start to run the stopwatch, and then press Stop to stop the counting.