Menu functions
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■Contacts (Menu 2)You can save names and phone numbers in the phone’s
memory (internal phone book) and in the SIM card’s memory
(external phone book). The internal phone book can save up to 50 names. To
access the phone book, press Menu and select Contacts.
•Search to search for the numbers or names you require.
1. Key in the first character(s) of the name you are looking for, and press
2. Press or to find the desired name.
If names or phone numbers are saved in the SIM card memory, is
shown at the upper right corner of the display; if they are stored in the
phone’s internal memory, is shown.
•Add contact to store names and phone numbers in the internal or SIM phone
•Delete to remove names and phone numbers from the selected phone book one
by one (One by one) or all at once (Delete all). You need to provide the security
code to delete all at once. For more information about the security code, see
Access codes on page 10 and Security level in Security settings on page 47.
Note that by selecting Delete all when Memory in use (see Settings on page 42)
is set to Phone, all the names and numbers saved in the phone memory will be
deleted. If Memory in use is set to SIM card, all the names and numbers in the
SIM card will be deleted.