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Your personal digital assistant
Option 2: Make a note
1To make a note for a specific date, select the date, press Options, then
select the Make a note feature.
There are five different types of notes to choose from: Meeting, Call,
Birthday, Memo, and Reminder.
2Scroll to the desired note type and press Select.
Note: If you have activated Predictive text for writing messages, it
is also active in the Calendar feature. See “Turn on predictive text
input” on page31.
The maximum length of a calendar note is 256 characters.
3Press Select to save your note.
4At the prompt, choose whether or not you want to set the alarm:
Meeting—Type your note text and press Options and Save. Enter the
time and press OK.
Call—Enter the phone number or press Find to retrieve it from your
phone book, press Options, then Save. Enter the time and press OK.
Birthday—Enter the person’s name (or press Options, and Find to
retrieve a name from the phone book), press Options, then Save.
Enter the birth year. Next, select No alarm, Silent, or With tone.
The note then displays the person’s age.
Memo—Enter a subject for the note and press Options, then Save.
Enter the date, choose No alarm, Silent, or With tone and press
Select. Reminder options range from On the day up to Week before
or Other date. Choose one of the options, enter a time, and press OK.
Reminder—Enter the reminder, and press Options. Scroll to Save and
press Select.
Option 3: Go to date
1To jump to a specific date, enter the date and press OK.
The Week list appears and the day just entered is highlighted.
2Press Options.
All calendar options are available.