[ 27 ]
Add information
The phone shows the current method
with an icon, or small picture, in the
upper left corner of the screen.
Enter letters
When you are in a name box in the
phone book, the phone shows the
icon. Use the phone’s keypad
to enter letters:
1Find the key with the letter you want to enter.
2Press the key repeatedly until the letter appears on the screen.
For example, press the 2 three times to enter the letter C.
3Wait for the blinking cursor to reappear before you enter another
letter, unless the letter is on a different key.
Example: To enter the name Albert:
Press 2A
Press 5 5 5 l
Press 2 2 b
Press 3 3 e
Press 7 7 7 r
Press 8t
Note: The default case in Abc is sentence case. Only the first letter
of each sentence is capitalized.
Enter numbers
When you are in a number box in the phone book, the phone shows the
To enter numbers, simply press the numbers you want.