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Note: If you have two phone numbers, you can use the Manual
and New search options only with your primary phone number.
Using your phone outside its home area is roaming. Calls made or received
while you are roaming may cost more than calls made in your home area.
Check with your service provider for details.
When roaming, the phone beeps once and may show the word ROAM
on the screen, depending on how roaming works with your phone.
When not roaming, the phone shows the word HOME or the name of
your service provider.
When you are roaming in some systems outside your home area, the
system in which you are traveling (the host system) may not recognize
your phone. You may not be able to place a call.
Automatic Your phone automatically searches for available
networks and chooses the appropriate one. Every time
you turn on your phone, it resets to Automatic.
Manual The phone searches for networks and then shows a list
of the ones that are available. If an available network is
found, the word Available: appears on the screen
followed by the name of the network. To choose the
network listed, press OK.
New search Your phone begins a new search for both private and
residential systems. When it finds the best system
available, the phone shows the system name.
If the phone does not find another system, the question
Perform an extended search? will appear. Press OK if
you wish to continue searching.