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1At the Start screen, press Menu 6-1 (Gallery > View folders), and
then press Select. A list of folders appear in the display.
2Scroll to a folder, such as Images or Tones and press Open.
3Scroll through the list of images or tones, and press Options.
Press Select to activate the option or to enter its submenu.
Option Function
Open/Play Open the selected file; in the Tones folder, this option
is named Play
Delete Delete the selected file
Move Move the file to another folder
Rename Rename the selected file
Set as
as ring tone
Set the graphic as wallpaper. In the Tones folder, this
option is Set as ringing tone; the tone is applied to
profile in use
Details View details of the file, such as the name, time and
date the file was created
Sort Sort the files according to date, type, name, or size