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Extras (Menu 10)
Note: Your phone must be switched on to use this function.
Do not switch the phone on when wireless phone use is prohibited
or when it may cause interference or danger.


The calculator in your phone adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, counts
the square and the square root and converts currency values.
Note: Your phone must be switched on to use this function. Do not
switch the phone on when wireless phone use is prohibited or
when it may cause interference or danger.
Note: Calculator has a limited accuracy and rounding errors may
occur, especially in long divisions.
1Press Menu 10-1 (Extras > Calculator). After a brief pause, the
calculator screen appears in the display.
2Enter the first number in the calculation Press # for a decimal point
if necessary.
3Press a to cycle through the add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*),
and divide (/) characters. Pause briefly to select the currently
displayed character.
Note: To perform a square or square root calculation, press
Options, scroll to Square or Square root and press Select.
4Enter the second number in your calculation.
5Press Options. Equals is highlighted. Press Select. The sum of your
calculation appears in the display.