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You can download new Java applications in different ways.
Use Application downloads
1At the Start screen, press Menu 9-2 (Applications > App. downloads).
After a brief pause, the list of available WAP bookmarks appears in
the display.
Note: This feature is network dependent. Contact your wireless
provider for more information.
Scroll to More bookmarks (if necessary) and press Select to access
the list of WAP bookmarks in your Services menu.
2Scroll to the appropriate bookmark that contains the application you
wish to download, and press Select to connect to the WAP page. See
“Navigate the wireless Internet” on page137 for information on
browsing WAP pages.
Web access Provides options for restricting network access
Ask first (ask for net access)
Allowed (allow net access)
Not allowed (to not allow net access)
Check version Check if a new version of the application is available
for download
Web page Provides further information or data for the
application from an Internet page; this feature is
network dependent and only appears if an Internet
address has been provided with the application
Details Shows additional information about the application
Option Function