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Note: When you have unopened picture messages in your
inbox, is shown in the upper left corner of the Start
screen as a reminder.
3Use the scroll keys to view the whole picture if necessary.
Tip: Keep scrolling to view other information, such as the sender
number and time the message was sent.
4Once you’re finished, press Back to move the picture message to the
Inbox, or press Options for other choices, such as Reply or Forward.
If you’d like to save the picture to your Templates folder for later use:
1Press Options, scroll to Save picture, and press Select. You can then
enter a title for the picture and press OK.
Note: If your templates folder is full of pictures, just scroll to the
picture you’d like to replace and press Select.
Compose and send a picture message
One picture message is equivalent in size to 3 text messages. When you
insert a picture into a message, you’ll have enough remaining space for
about 121 characters in the message. If you try and insert a picture into
a message that is almost full of text, a beep sounds and you’re prompted
to delete some text before proceeding.
1At the Start screen, press Menu 01-1-1 (Messages > Text messages >
Create message).
After a brief pause, the message edit screen appears in the display.
2Write a message using the keypad (or enter nothing if you choose to
just send a picture), and press Options.
Tip: Insert pictures before adding text. You can then check
remaining space for text in the upper right corner of the display.
3Scroll to Insert picture and press Select. A list of pictures appears in
the display.
4Scroll to a picture and press View.