Nokia 9XXX user manual KEY Features

Models: 9XXX

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Plan User Manual


Plan has the following key features:

A separate file for each project plan with either plan specific or a shared resource file.

Any number of tasks may be entered (subject to available memory), each having the following details:

task name/description

start date and time

end date and time


any number of assigned resources per task

rate of work or work value for each assigned resource

any number of dependencies upon other tasks

calculation method (end, work or rate)

constraint on start/end (start after, finish before,…)

work done (% or work value)

baseline work, start and end dates and times for future reference

general notes

labour and fixed costs

text1 - text5 fields

number1 - number5 fields

Calculation of end date and time, work, or work rates for each task.

A start or end constraint may be specified for each task, i.e. the task must start on/after the given date.

A task may be dependent upon any number of other tasks, with specified lag times with each dependency. Plan will automatically calculate the start of each task from the dependencies and constraints.

Task tracking. The actual work done may be input as work progresses.

Accuracy down to a minute.

Tasks may be grouped under a summary task whose fields are calculated automatically from the sub-tasks. Tasks may be nested up to eight levels deep.

The labour costs are calculated automatically for a task along with the total cost for the project.

Any number of resources may be input, (subject to memory limits imposed by the operating system). Each resource has the following properties:


full name

maximum units available

labour charge per hour

charge per use

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Nokia 9XXX user manual KEY Features