Ringing tone — Select a ringing tone from the list,
or select Download sounds to open a bookmark
folder containing a list of bookmarks for
downloading tones using the browser. If you have
two alternate phone lines in use, you can specify a
ringing tone for each line.
Video call tone — Select a ringing tone for video
Say caller's name — If you select this setting, and
someone from your contacts list calls you, the device
sounds a ringing tone that is a combination of the
spoken name of the contact and the selected ringing
Ringing type — Select how you want the ringing
tone to alert you.
Ringing volume — Set the volume level of the
ringing tone.
Message alert tone — Select a tone for received
text messages.
E-mail alert tone — Select a tone for received e-
mail messages.
Calendar alarm tone — Select a tone for calendar
Clock alarm tone — Select a tone for clock alarms.
Vibrating alert — Set the device to vibrate when
you receive a call or message.
Keypad tones — Set the volume level of the keypad
Warning tones — Turn the warning tones on or

Language settings

Select Menu > Ctrl. panel > Settings and General >
Personalisation > Language.
Phone language — Set the device language.
Writing language — Select the language used for
writing notes and messages.
Predictive text — Activate predictive text input.
Input options — Define the settings for predictive
text input.

Scroll key lights

Select Menu > Ctrl. panel > Settings and General >
Personalisation > Notification lights.
When you miss a call or receive a message, the scroll
key starts blinking to indicate the event. To select of
which events you want to be notified or to set the
blinking time, select Notification light.
When you do not use the device for a certain period of
time, the scroll key starts blinking slowly as if it was
breathing. To turn the breathing effect on or off, select
Breathing light.

Settings for One-touch keys

Select Menu > Ctrl. panel > Settings and General >
Personalisation > One-touch keys.
To select which application and task is opened when
you press a One-touch key, select the key and
Options > Open.
To restore the preset applications and tasks, select
Restore defaults.
Date and time settings
Select Menu > Ctrl. panel > Settings and General >
Date and time.