circle around the compass is white, and the map view
does not rotate automatically.
Calibrate the compass
Your device has an internal compass. When the
compass is calibrated, the circle around the compass is
green, and the map view rotates automatically
according to the direction to which the top of the
device is pointing.
The compass has limited accuracy. Electromagnetic
fields, metal objects, or other external circumstances
may also affect the accuracy of the compass. The
compass should always be properly calibrated.
To calibrate the compass, do the following:
1. Select Menu > Applications > GPS > Maps.
2. The compass is active by default. To deactivate the
compass, select Options > Tools > Turn
compass off. When the compass is deactivated, the
circle around the compass is white, and the map
view does not rotate automatically. Deactivating
the compass is only valid for the current session.
When you open Maps the next time, the compass is
activated automatically.
Rotate the device around all axes in a continuous
movement until the calibration indicator changes
its colour to green . If the indicator is yellow, the
accuracy of the compass is low. If the indicator is
red, the compass is not calibrated.
Maps settings
Select Menu > Applications > GPS > Maps.
Select Options > Tools > Settings and from the
Internet — Define the internet settings.
Navigation — Define the navigation settings.
Route — Define the routing settings.
Map — Define the map settings.
Synchronisation — Define the settings for
synchronising saved items with the Ovi Maps web
Internet settings
Select Menu > Applications > GPS > Maps.